Stories: Alias Smith and Jones

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by Cal


Two ex-outlaws are sitting, facing each other, inside a freight train carriage.  The carriage is rocking side to side and shuddering alarmingly, unnerving the cows corralled at the rear. Kid pulls against the leather binding his hands behind his back, bracing himself against the wall by the door, with his bound feet.

Heyes looks up for the first time in ages. Curry...
by Cal - Comments: 1 - Views: 1177


Present Company
(Introducing Haff and Wong)

by Cal


Two exhausted riders, and two horses slick with foam, have to keep moving:

Curry roused gasping from a pain-induced, dream-filled waking sleep.  

"Who's'at?" he gasps, struggling to stay in the saddle.

"Easy kid’s me ...Heyes ...glad to hear you're still with...
by Cal - Comments: 0 - Views: 984


Jedidiah Jones
by Cal


Joe had recognised the affable pair as soon as they boarded his stage coach but there were several other passengers so he hadn't been able to say more than Howdy.  That had been very early this morning.  In the last one horse town they'd passed, he only picked up post and a telegram, no passengers. The last of the original passengers had alighted, all that is accept Hannibal...
by Cal - Comments: 0 - Views: 1173
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